Pay my bill
Whether you want to make a payment right now or need assistance working through your financial difficulties, we can help. That’s what we’re here for.
Online one-time payment
By Phone
Call: 845-832-8880
Toll-free: 855-304-0055
By Mail
Fair Capital, LLC
PO Box 399
New City, NY 10956
Make checks payable to Fair Capital, LLC
Include your payment slip and account number!
Payment arrangements
We're here for you: If you need a little extra time to pay your bill, you may be able to set up a payment arrangement.
If you are experiencing hardship as a result of the current COVID-19 pandemic, call (855) 304-0055

Los pagos de ACH se pueden hacer hasta $ 25,000.00
Los pagos con tarjeta de crédito se pueden hacer hasta $ 3000.00
La información que proporcione solo se utilizará en el cobro de sus deudas.
Para montos mayores, deberá enviar su pago a
PO Box 399 New City, NY 10956